Monday, July 20, 2015

Invitation to Participate in a MIT Survey

Katharina Tomaschek write to invite chapter members to participate in a study on the state-of-the-art practice of Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) and challenges using this method. This study is conducted by a research team at MIT Sloan School of Management under the supervision of Professor Steven Eppinger and Professor Nitin Joglekar. They believe that a better understanding of the TRL practice will benefit not only future academic work but also the daily practice in industry applications. Your opinion on TRLs is very valuable to MIT and they would appreciate if you take time to complete this 20-minute online survey on Technology Readiness Level Challenges.  All data you provide will be kept completely confidential as specified by MIT rules. Only aggregated data analyses will be disseminated. 

This link takes you directly to the survey:
Katharina would be delighted if you would also forward this link to your colleagues working with TRLs. To thank you for your participation, Katharina would be happy to send you a briefing on the analysis. Contact Katharina Tomaschek regarding this or other questions at

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