Monday, February 2, 2015

President's Message

INCOSE is celebrating its Silver Anniversary but until I engaged in evaluating our chapter’s accomplishments for chapter awards, I was not aware that the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter was chartered in June 1995.  I became a member later that year and my participation in the chapter has varied greatly over the past 20 years for a variety of reasons:  work/volunteer/life balance; doubt in value; conflicting schedules; etc.  A few years ago, I became more engaged when I found myself in transition and my personal objective was to show potential employers that I was maintaining my skills.  I acknowledge that my current position is a result of connections within the chapter.  My current objective is to give back to the chapter, to reinvigorate chapter operations, and to promote the practice of systems engineering.

A measure that the Board of Directors was striving to improve is engagement of members.  In retrospect, for 2014 there was a consistent level of attendance at monthly chapter meetings.  This despite the challenge faced with our change in venue from Carnegie Mellon University where an increase in classes restricted availability and our move to HackerDojo.  We continue to work on improving the experience for participation at HackerDojo, for remote participation, and to solicit feedback from members on their personal experiences.  We are considering the possibility of moving which day of the second week of the month on which to have the chapter meeting and are soliciting member feedback.  

I want to recognize the efforts of Amanda Foo who as Program Coordinator for much of the year found topics and speakers which enticed members to join the monthly meeting.  An area that we want to improve is identifying topics and speakers several months in advance so that active members and potential members can prioritize their schedules and utilizing the new INCOSE website to publish these events.

I am encouraged that 2015 is poised to achieve higher expectations.  Our first monthly meeting was presented by Bradley Banks on “Engineering the California High Speed Railway". This month’s presentation is by Robin Reil, our secretary, on “Model Based Systems Engineering and Requirements Traceability”.  The Transformation Caucus is preparing several papers for publication in the autumn issue of INCOSE Insight.

The Board of Directors wants to address the feedback from the survey conducted during the elections to provide workshops on topics of interest to you.  We will be forming committees to support planning and execution of these workshops and solicit anyone who is interested in volunteering to help.  

The INCOSE International Workshop and Symposium are training opportunities for directors to develop skills and gain knowledge to be more effective leaders.  The Board of Directors approved supporting the directors’ attendance to these events.

There are several opportunities for members to share your knowledge and network with your peers.  I encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities at the monthly chapter meetings and to share your comments through the newsletter blog.

By Rollie Olson
Rollie Olson's Bio

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